More Wolf Than Woman
More Wolf Than Woman

Mixed media on 24" x 19" bristol paper


Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Riding toward the unseen
Riding toward the unseen

19” x 24” oil and graphite on paper in frame


Oil and graphite on 24" x 19" bristol paper

What if the Lion devoured you?
What if the Lion devoured you?

Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Lionness in blue flowers
Lionness in blue flowers

Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Pink Doe in Thicket
Pink Doe in Thicket

Acrylic on 14”x 11” paper

Pearly Gates
Pearly Gates

Mixed Media on 24" x 19" bristol paper

More Wolf Than Woman
Riding toward the unseen
What if the Lion devoured you?
Lionness in blue flowers
Pink Doe in Thicket
Pearly Gates
More Wolf Than Woman

Mixed media on 24" x 19" bristol paper


Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Riding toward the unseen

19” x 24” oil and graphite on paper in frame


Oil and graphite on 24" x 19" bristol paper

What if the Lion devoured you?

Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Lionness in blue flowers

Oil and graphite on 24” x 19” paper

Pink Doe in Thicket

Acrylic on 14”x 11” paper

Pearly Gates

Mixed Media on 24" x 19" bristol paper

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